sábado, 25 de julio de 2009

I Do Not Know

I do not know what is happening, i am felling so alone,
sad, and kind of depress.
I do not know if i miss him
I do not know if i love him... ¿ why i am always asking me about what i truly feel for him?
I am tired of that question, i am tired of been thinking on him
I do not know what to do to forget him, can You help me? but... how can You help me if You do not even talk to me, and i am kind of bored of try to talk to you every morning, and every night.
Is hard to forget him, but i want to do it and i want, also, to love You and be with You for ever.
I cant stand be away from You. a single minute away from You feels like walking to the gates of hell... and i do not want to be there again

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