sábado, 25 de julio de 2009

Forgetting You

I cant believe this, i am trying to forget you and
during this process your face is always in my dreams.
I wake up and the first thing i remember of what i dreamed, is you.
Your calls, your hugs, your eyes, everything that i love...everything that i miss.
Forgetting you becomes so hard when the night comes, and your ghost appears on my dreams.
I do not know if i love you
I do not know if i just love you... the only thing i know, is that i miss you.
What is wrong with me? you have hurted me, and the worst part is that i do not want to believe this is so true.
I do not want to believe that the person, i care the most, have hurted me .... i guess i am just blind for accept the truth

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