sábado, 22 de agosto de 2009

Away From You

Lejos de ti, mi mente pierde su habilidad de soñar, de crear...mi mente es incapaz de darle color, vida, incluso nombre, a todo sentimeinto que me rodee.
Mi mente se sume en silencio, lo colores pierden brillo, todo parece ser un infierno.
Mi vida lejos de ti es un eterno sufrimietno lleno de lagrimas, y un dolor tan intenso que desgarra mi alma hasta hacerme gritar.

Mis lagrimas corren por mi rostro, intentando llevarse mi dolor, pero no es suficiente, la desesperacion me invade, mas intensamente, con cada segundo que pasa.
Mi alma grita de deseperacion, ante el hecho de que mi garganta no produce sonido alguno, los latidos de mi corazon se aceleran, se hacen mas marcados, puedo sentir el correr de mi sagre por mi torrente sanguineo...lo unico que pido es que te lleves todo este dolor y toda esta desesperacion, no quiero seguir viviendo un segundo mas asi.
Mi alma anhela un segundo en tu presencia,
se muere por que le hables,
agoniza por ver tu hermosa sonrisa
y sufre por saber que te ha decepcionado...tantas veces de la misma manera, alguna vez podre dejar de decepcionarte?
alguna vez podre vivir sin este fantasma que me acehca?
vuelve tu rostro a mi, dime que amas y me perdonas...odio tu silencio
no me hagas sufrir mas, se que lo meresco, pero porfavor basta, mi fragil alma no lo soporta mas, solo te pido que me hables...lo siento, lamento haberte herido

viernes, 21 de agosto de 2009

Walking Next To You

Caminando a tu lado los problemas dejan de ser lo que son para convertirse en la oportunidad de ver nacer una nueva alegria.
Caminando a tu lado aprendo a confiar en ti en medio de la obscuridad, solo para darme cuenta de que todo era brillante y majestuoso.
Hablando con tigo siento que a las horas les son robados sus minutos, porque al abrir mis ojos me doy cuenta de que el tiempo ha pasado mas rapido de lo que pude percivir.

Cada gota de sangre derramada en esta cruel batalla se convierte en una hermosa rosa al contacto con el suelo, cada una de ellas unica y preciosa al igual que cada situacion bajo la que fue sembrada, aunque quizas en su momento esa situacion a mi parecer fuera dolorosa, pero a pesar de ese sufrimiento supistes como acabarlo y de esa manera lograste esculpir una sonrisa en mi rostro y desatar un mar de paz, tan infinita como tu maravilloso amor.

lunes, 17 de agosto de 2009

Dying For Adore You

In the middle of your glory, you have thousands of beautiful angels adoring you... but you want your little children to adore you with all our hearts.
You want me to live the life you have gifted me.
You want me to smile every time you show me how awesome you are.
You want me to love you with all my heart
I will sing out loud with all my voice, i will hurt my troth till it starts bleeding, and it will hurt, but the pain does not matter, because i will get hurt adoring you, and i know you do not want me to get hurt, but it is okay for me because you already suffered and died for me.
Huger things are waiting for me.
My soul is burning on desire just feeling your glorious fire.
I want to live this life without inhibitions, letting your power flow trough me, fulling everything around me.
How beautiful you are, and i know my promised land is something i have never imagined
You are always surprising me, i do not want to cut off your joy, fire and blessings on my life

lunes, 3 de agosto de 2009


Why I have to be so weak?
Why I cannot be stronger?
I got the weapons, but I guess I am not using them like I am supposed to do.
And now I am on the bottom (once again)
I will start over this freaking situation, that only make it worst.

I care about out love, even I act like if do not... I am sorry, I never wanted to hurt You, I never wanted to hurt us.
But now I am here, sitting, thinking, and felling like if I do not care about us.
But I know (very deep inside of me) that I really care about our relationship.
I am really sorry... there is no excuse for what i did.

What I have done? this is killing us!
Please do not let me here alone... i do not want to die... please talk to me... i am sorry.

sábado, 1 de agosto de 2009

The Thief

I woke up... everything was dark, except by the moon light, i felt there was something missing.
I do not know what it was, i just know it was something important.
Walking on the street i still feel there is something missing, something stolen from my soul.
I am sad, and still i do not know what is that important thing that was stolen.
How can i know what is that i lost while i was sleeping, while i was dreaming.
Someone came to my room that night and stole something from my soul.
I want it back! i do not know ht it is, but i feel desperate with out it

Your Love

You died for me
And Your love for me is especial and unique
When i woke up in the morning knowing that you have talked to me during the night, all that is around me, feels like been on haven.
There is nothing better than You and Your amazing, huge, and wonderful love.
I wish i could spend more time with You, just You and me, but i guess the night is no longer enough for me.
I love been, Talk and laugh with You in the middle of my darkness room. This make it more intimate for us and makes me feel more close from You,more than i already am (at least for me it makes)
What can i said? i love how much You love me, and of course i love You.
And i also know You love me so much more than i can ever imagine